Concrete road to Steytlersville

A record shot of the single lane concrete road to Steytlersville. Lovely moody sky and great contrasts.

Gemsbok Going Home

This herd of Gemsbok slowly making their way to wherever home is for the evening. Taken at Karoo National Park.

Into the distance

Combination of so many elements that just makes you stop to ponder on the road ahead.

Karoo Beauty

This image speaks of hope as you see the little bushes start to turn green again after years of draught. Beautiful build up of clouds bringing hope of more rain.

Karoo Home

This little house can be seen at Klaarstroom. This image was so appealing because it has everything that you would expect from a Karoo Home.

Karoo Landscape

Flowering aloe adding a touch of colour to this Karoo landscape. Lovely light catching the mountains.

Karoo Peaks

These peaks just caught the sun through the heavy clouds which made them stand out so well. Lovely contrasts of colour between the bushes and the sky.

Karoo Road

This image captures that heart of the Karoo with it's gravel roads, mountains in the background and a windmill standing tall.

Karoo Splendour

The soft light catching the side of the trees and the shrubs is what caught my eye, added is the beauty of this dramatic sky.

Karoo Thorns

Thorn trees and gravel roads make a person think of the Karoo. Then you get to add some sun kissed mountains & some rain clouds and the picture is suddenly complete.

Karoo Windmill

What would the Karoo be without the windmills? So much to ponder on in this image.

Klipplaat Steam Locomotive

This old steam locomotive has been placed on retirement in Klipplaat. Probably did many miles of travelling across our beautiful country.

Sheep at Sunset

Captured along the Baviaanskloof road at sunset. These sheep were waiting for the farmer to come and feed them.

Sheep bracing for storm

These sheep were waiting along the fence of this farm for the farmer to come and feed them. The colours of the approaching storm in contrast to the sheep captured the photographers imagination.

Storm Brewing

The hope of a storm brewing which will bring some relief to the dry, parched land.

Touch of Karoo

A combination of land and sky coming together to create a touch of the Karoo.